Friday, January 20, 2012

Hungarian gov't funds 3 pix projects

BUDAPEST -- Under two several weeks following a massive reorganization, Hungary's condition film-financing sector has greenlit its first three projects. Now, the Hungarian Film Fund introduced the productions "Liza, a rokatunder" (Liza, the Fox Fairy) and "A nagy fuzet" (The Notebook) will both receive 150 million forint ($635,736), while "Zero" will get $42,382. The choices seem to underscore the process from the fund to aid proven veterans and simultaneously cultivate new talent. "The Notebook" is going to be directed by seasoned director Janos Szasz, whose previous releases include "Witman Boys" and "Woyzeck" and "Zero" has been created by highly regarded as local filmer Gabe Dettre. While "Liza" would be the first feature of director Karoly Ujj Meszaros. The choices also underscore the resolution of fund mind Andrew Vajna to advertise projects with strong narrative arcs and compelling figures. A coming-of-age story happening in World war 2 Hungary, "The Notebook" is definitely an adaptation from the French-language bestseller "Le Grand Cahier." The 3 projects have sealed worldwide close ties. "Liza" is going to be Hungary's first co-co-production having a Danish company "Notebook" is going to be co-created by Hungary's Hunnia Filmstudio, Germany's Intuit Pictures, France's Dolce Vita Films and Austria's Amour Fou. And "Zero" has received support in the Czech Film Fund Germany's Mitteldeutsche Medienforderung. Contact the range newsroom at

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