Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Seth Rogen Confirms 'Apocalypse' Cast: Jonah Hill, James Franco And More!

Any time we get a chance to catch up with Seth Rogen it is a good time, if only to hear his adorable giggle. Even better when the discussion at hand involves his excellent upcoming film "50/50" as well as his long-in-development survival horror comedy "Jay and Seth vs. The Apocalypse." Regarding the latter, which, last we heard, will start shooting this February, we asked Rogen to clear up exactly which esteemed actors have officially signed onto the project, since it seems that the cast has been changing since the project was announced. "We've decided to add more people, so ideally 'Jay and Seth' looks like it has become Jay, Seth, Jonah, Danny, Craig and James," Rogen revealed. (That's Baruchel, Rogen, Hill, McBride, Robinson and Franco, by the way.) "We all play ourselves," he added. When we brought up another rumored addition, "Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe, Rogen said they might have amped up the role a little too much for Radcliffe's tastes. "It doesn't look like he's willing to push things as far as we [are]," Rogen said with that catchy laugh of his. Which means that whatever the guys want to do has to really be pushing the envelope, considering Radcliffe's well-received and R-rated turn in "Extras" and such. But Baruchel has said they want the film to be offensive, so maybe it's a safe choice for D-Rad at this point in his career. "It's going to be a pretty offensive vision of the apocalypse," he once told us. "And I want a lot of dead celebrity cameos. Because L.A. is full of famous people, I'd like all of the cameos to be them as corpses." Perhaps Radcliffe doesn't want to play a dead version of himself? What do you think of the additions to the cast? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter!

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