Thursday, July 7, 2011

Which films have affected you/made you cry the most?

I'm talking about movies which have REALLY socked it to you! Be it
Titanic, Bambi, or Gone With the Wind (to get you thinking) which ones
have left you feeling emotionally drained and with an empty boxful of

These are my top 5:

1) Watership Down (not only made me blub but also scared the living
daylights out of me and my brother - still mentally scarred now)

2) The Elephant Man (1980, John Hurt - what an outstanding performance
by Mr Hurt but I cried my eyes out when I first saw it aged 8 and
still do to this day)

3) The Wizard of Oz (it may seem like an odd choice but it reminds me
of my dad because it was the first film he ever bought us, and the
ending always gets to me when Dorothy says goodbye to them and goes

4) The Lion King (AMAZING film, great characters, timeless story and
incredible soundtrack. But the scene where his father dies is painful
to watch, plus the end scene where he kills his uncle and takes his
rightful place whilst everyone watches and the wildebeest skull is
washed away (his inner guilt) is so emotional!)

5) Titanic (ok well it kinda had to go in there because as an
impressionable 15-year old I LOVED Leonardo DiCaprio and Titanic blew
me away, I saw it like 3 times and cried harder each

So please let me know yours too...from one movie lover to another!

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