Thursday, December 8, 2011

'American Psycho' Remake in the Works

Government regulation isn't the only thing Wall Street should be worrying about. According to Variety, writer Noble Jones has been hired to re-adapt the Bret Easton Ellis novel, 'American Psycho.' The book was originally brought to life in the 1998 movie starring Christian Bale as Patrick Batemen, a wealthy investment banker masquerading as a serial killer. With the current anti-Wall Street vibe going on, a movie about a murdering one-percenter makes total sense (also, the story is set during the 1980s Wall Street boom, so expect Jones to play up that culture of excess to the max). Whoever steps into the role of Batemen will have some big shoes to fill: Bale's performance in the original movie is terrific. Hopefully the director will keep all Huey Lewis and the News references. Hey, Paul! [via Variety] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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