Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New production diary for The Hobbit

At the end of last week, we drew your attention to a potential extra Christmas present being teased by The Hobbit director Peter Jackson. Well hooray and hurrah, that present did indeed arrive, and turned out to be a new production diary from the set of the fantasy epic.Whilst the more eagle-eyed of you will have spotted this on Jackson's Facebook page a few days ago, the small matter of gift-giving and turkey-snaffling may have distracted you somewhat, so we thought we'd give it a push to the top of your post-Christmas agenda.The new diary focuses upon the unique challenges of filming in remote parts of New Zealand, and explains how exactly the logistics work on bringing such a huge production together.There's also a wonderfully nostalgic segment detailing how the crew rebuilt the town of Hobbiton on the very same farm that was used a decade or so earlier on The Fellowship Of The Ring. It had us reaching for the box-set all over again!Take a look at the new diary, below... Yes, just as the excitement of the trailer was beginning to wane, Jackson has stoked the fires of anticipation all over again. It's going to be quite the adventure when the film finally arrives on 14 December 2012...

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